
Tech Career

3 Best Ways To Use LinkedIn To Land Your Next Tech Job In 2024

By: Gina

Published Feb 02, 2024

Are you eyeing that dream tech job or contemplating a career change? If your answer is a resounding “yes,” then it’s time to leverage the power of LinkedIn to make your professional dreams a reality.We’ll walk you through every step of utilizing LinkedIn to get your next job in this blog article, from creating an amazing profile to using the platform like a pro.

Why LinkedIn, You Ask?

First things first, why bother with LinkedIn when there are so many job portals out there? Well, LinkedIn isn’t just another job board; it’s a digital hub where professionals from diverse backgrounds come together to connect, exchange insights, and explore potential opportunities. As career strategist Wendy Saccuzzo puts it, “LinkedIn is a very helpful tool for getting you visibility, and visibility is key in a job search.”

Building the Perfect LinkedIn Profile for a tech job

1. Profile Photo Matters

Let’s start with the basics – your profile photo. According to LinkedIn, a profile with a photo can get up to 21 times more views than one without. Opt for a professional headshot that exudes confidence and aligns with your desired industry. It’s your virtual first impression – make it count.

2. Crafting the Ideal Headline

this is an example of what a good Linkedin profile should look like

Your LinkedIn headline is more than just your current job title. Tailor it to reflect the role you aspire to have. Whether you’re a Front End Web Developer, Data Analyst, or aspiring to be one, let your headline speak to your career goals. Be specific, be concise, and use keywords that resonate with your target industry.

3. Tell Your Story in the Summary

The summary part is like your story introduction. Don’t be plain; be interesting. Why do you like tech? What makes you excited? What makes you good at your job? Keep it personal, fun, and, most importantly, professional. Make recruiters want to know more about you.

Talk about what you can do – your skills and experiences. Show them why you’re special. Paint a clear picture of how you can help a company succeed. Tell your story so that it’s not just about you; it’s about how you can make a company better.

4. Show Off Your Professional Journey

List your professional experience but don’t be shy about including diverse roles. Showcase the transferable skills that make you a standout candidate in the tech world. Quantify your achievements, use action words, and paint a vivid picture of your impact in each role.

5. Skills – Your Secret Weapon

Optimize the Skills section with relevant keywords. Think about what recruiters might be searching for and ensure those words appear in your profile. Don’t stuff your profile with unnecessary skills but strategically place the skills that matter most for your desired job.

Navigating LinkedIn Like a Pro

1. Customize Your LinkedIn URL

Make your profile easy to find by customizing your LinkedIn URL. Keep it professional, ideally using your name. It’s a small detail that makes a big difference.

2. Enhance Your Profile with Visuals

Take advantage of the background image feature. It’s an opportunity to showcase your personality and stand out. Choose an image that complements your professional brand and aligns with your career goals.

3. Showcasing Education and Training

While not a strict necessity in tech, including education details can add credibility to your profile. Highlight relevant training, certifications, or boot camps that demonstrate your readiness for the tech industry.

4. Recommendations – Your LinkedIn Endorsement

LinkedIn recommendations are golden. Request recommendations from colleagues, supervisors, or clients. It adds authenticity to your profile and validates your skills.

5. Highlighting Additional Achievements

Don’t limit yourself to the main sections. Utilize Accomplishments, Honors, Organizations, Projects, and Volunteer Experience to showcase your involvement in the tech community or any other relevant achievements.

How to Use LinkedIn to Search for a Tech Job 

Now that your LinkedIn profile is polished and ready, it’s time to master the job search game on the platform. Here are some quick tips on how to get your next tech job:

1. Be Active

Engage with relevant content, join tech job groups, and follow companies you’re interested in.

2. Use Tech Related Keywords 

Just like recruiters use keywords to find candidates, use them strategically in your profile and your job search. For instance, when searching for a web designer role use the keyword “web designer”. You can go a step further to use the job’s filter and enter the location. 

Research job listings in your desired field and incorporate those keywords naturally.

3. Connect and Network

Expand your network strategically. Connect with professionals in your industry, alumni, and those working in your dream companies. Personalize connection requests and engage in meaningful conversations.

4. Job Alerts and Insights

Set up job alerts based on your preferences. Additionally, utilize LinkedIn’s job insights to understand the skills and experiences required for your target roles.


LinkedIn isn’t just a platform; it’s a tool that can catapult your career to new heights. By carefully curating your profile, strategically connecting with the right people, and navigating the job search landscape, you’re well on your way to landing that next big opportunity. Happy networking!

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