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Software development
Software Development
Published Jun 18, 2022
This article is here to answer the questions things a JavaScript programmer should know, but before we start, let’s know What Is JavaScript?
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. It is a versatile language that is used in many different applications and is relatively simple to learn, making it a great choice for beginners.
But even experienced developers can benefit from brushing up on the basics from time to time. If you’re looking to improve your JavaScript skills, or if you’re just starting out, this is for you.
In this blog post, we will discuss some of the things every JavaScript programmer should know. We will cover topics such as what is Javascript and what Javascript is Not, javascript libraries and frameworks with examples, how javascript works, and what javascript is used for.
After reading this blog post, you will not only have a better understanding of the basics of JavaScript programming, but you will also be aware of everything a JavaScript programmer should know.
It is common for people to confuse Java and JavaScript, but they are actually two very different programming languages.
While both languages may be used for web development, they are not interchangeable.
Java is a statically typed, object-oriented language that runs on a Java Virtual Machine, while JavaScript is a dynamic, interpreted language that runs on a JavaScript engine.
JavaScript also has a different syntax from Java, and it uses a prototype-based object model instead of Java’s class-based model.
Javascript has three components which are ECMAScript, JavaScript Engine, and the JavaScript Runtime while Java’s three major components are Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Runtime Environment(JRE), and Java Development Kit (JDK).
ECMAScript is the standard programming language that JavaScript is based on. While Java code must be compiled before it can be run, JavaScript code is interpreted by the browser at runtime.
As a result, JavaScript code is more flexible and can be used to create interactive web pages. However, this also means that JavaScript code is more susceptible to errors.
Java code is also more portable than JavaScript code, as it can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine.
In conclusion, the most popular programming languages in today’s world are Java and JavaScript. They have many similarities but also some key differences that make them unique from each other.
Now that we know what JavaScript is by definition and what Javascript is not, the next thing to note is “What is JavaScript used for”
JavaScript is the language of today and tomorrow. It is the language of interactivity on your website. It can help you display data in charts and graphs, update them automatically when there’s new information available (and it does this without affecting page performance!), and enable real-time updates for content like animations or interactive elements that need immediate adjustment based upon user input – all while not slowing down site navigation!
In other words, it makes your page come alive!
What makes Javascript so unique is that it is a programming language that runs in your browser, most languages for the web run on the server but javascript runs in your browser, doesn’t it?
Well, not one person but an organization, Oracle Corporation based in the United States, owns and trademarked JavaScript.
Just like the word library is known to house books, collections of books, and other materials pre-written or pre-recorded and available for the public’s use or for members of a specific establishment, So also are JavaScript libraries. They are a collection of pre-written codes that are available for use by javascript programmers.
JavaScript libraries are a great way to save time and enhance your coding experience. They provide pre-written codes that you can use in any project without requiring extensive re-coding every time something new needs doing!
JavaScript libraries are an easy way to add features and functions to your web application without having to write the whole lot yourself.
They’re particularly useful when you want some generic piece of code, like a login page or tab management system for example but don’t know how else it could be implemented in javascript!
Some JavaScript libraries are; jQuery library, React library, and Underscore library.
Frameworks on the other hand are a lot like templates in that they provide the structure for your website or web application.
They set out what you want to accomplish and how, but leave it up to you as an individual designer/ developer on a team to flesh out all those ideas into something beautiful!
Examples of frameworks are Vue.js, Angular, Node.js
After knowing what javascript libraries and frameworks are with given examples, you might be thinking ‘Can I learn JavaScript in a week?’
Learning JavaScript in a week is often seen as an impossible task. In reality, it’s not quite that difficult if one has the right mindset and motivation to stick with the learning process for at least 10 days (or however long it takes).
The answer might seem obvious on paper but when put into practice becomes much more difficult than expected because there are many factors involved such as time constraints or lack thereof; also having dedication and discipline can be tough too!
However, all hope isn’t lost though – by giving yourself one year’s worth of study sessions under your belt- well…you’ll know almost everything about this exciting language.
You can also take a javascript quiz for beginners. You can start with a basic quiz to help you learn the basics of JavaScript.
It is also worthy of note that JavaScript is a language that will never stop evolving. It’s important to keep up with the latest updates for your programs or websites not only to work but also to be competitively viable in today’s web ecosystem where users demand instant gratification!
In conclusion, we have discussed what Javascript is, and what it is not. We’ve also looked at different libraries and frameworks with examples, how JavaScript works, and what it is used for.
If you want to learn more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or take a course on these topics, reach out to us on our website https://walurecapital.com/.
Our team of experts can help you gain the skills you need to create beautiful and functional web applications.
Software development
Software development
Software development