

6 Easy Steps to Starting a Career in Tech

Published May 10, 2023

In a world where technology is fast evolving, there was a certain young woman named Vera who dreamed of starting a career in tech. She was fascinated by the possibilities that technology offered and knew that she could make a difference in the world if she pursued a career in this field, but Vera had a problem; she didn’t know where to start. She felt overwhelmed by the number of options available and didn’t know how to choose the right path for her.

If you can relate to Vera’s story, don’t worry; this guide is for you. Starting a career in tech can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it’s easier than you might think. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps you need to take to build a career in tech.

1. Determine your passion.

Before you decide to build a career in tech, it’s important to identify your passion. Ask yourself: What areas of technology interest me the most? Do you enjoy working with data or building websites? Or are you more passionate about product management or even cybersecurity?

There is no rush in this, so take some time to think about what you enjoy doing and what you’re good at. If you enjoy problem-solving and logic puzzles, you might enjoy software development. If you’re interested in protecting sensitive information, cybersecurity might be a good fit for you.

There are no right or wrong answers here; the goal is to identify what you’re passionate about so that you can pursue a career in a tech field you love.

There are several career options in tech, and identifying your passion will help you choose the right career path and also increase your chances of success in the long run.

2. Develop your skills

Once you have identified your passion, the next step is to develop your skills on the particular path that you have chosen. There are numerous ways to gain the skills you need to succeed in tech and obtain professional certifications.

You can attend college and pursue a degree in a tech-related field, take online courses, or enroll in a coding boot camp. Walure Academy offers a variety of online tech courses to choose from.

If you’re interested in software development, for example, you might start by learning a programming language like Python or Java.


If you are unsure which skills you need, consider the job postings of your dream companies to get an idea of the required qualifications. Also, seek mentorship and guidance from professionals in the field and attend networking events to learn more about the industry.

3. Gain experience.

Building your skills is essential, but it’s not sufficient on its own. To start a career in tech, you’ll also need to gain some real-world experience. This can be challenging if you’re just starting out, but not to worry, as there are several options available on how you can go about this.

One way to gain experience is through internships. Many companies offer internships for students or recent graduates, which can provide valuable hands-on experience. Another option is through freelance work or volunteer projects. Doing any of these can help you stand out in the competitive job market.

Experience not only provides you with the opportunity to apply your skills to real-world problems but also to learn from professionals in the field.

4. Build a portfolio 

In addition to gaining experience, you also need to build a portfolio. Having a portfolio is really important, as it shows a collection of the jobs that you have worked on.

The tech industry values practical experience, and building a portfolio is an excellent way to showcase your skills to potential employers. You can create a website, develop an app, or work on open-source projects to demonstrate your capabilities.

When building your portfolio, one of the things that you should focus on is quality instead of quantity. A few impressive projects are better than several mediocre ones.

5. Network

Networking is essential in any field, and tech is no exception. Building a strong network can help you connect with others in your field, learn about job opportunities, and gain valuable insights into industry trends and technology updates.

There are many ways to network in tech, including attending industry events, joining online communities, and reaching out to people on LinkedIn. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and ask questions; most people are happy to help others who are just starting out.

6. Apply for jobs

Once you’ve built your skills and gained some experience, it’s time to start applying for jobs. There are many job boards and websites dedicated to tech jobs, including Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn.

When applying for tech jobs, make sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to each position. Highlight your relevant skills and experience, and show that you’re passionate about the field. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a job right away. Starting a tech career can take time, but with persistence, you’ll get there. Also remember to never stop learning, always continue to research in your chosen field, and up-skill.

In conclusion, contrary to what many may think, starting a tech career is not as complicated as it might seem. Our team of professionals is readily available to help you every step of the way with identifying your interests, building your skills, gaining experience, networking, and the job application process.

With hard work and persistence, you can launch a successful career in tech and join the many talented professionals who are shaping our world today.

Contact Us to kick-start your tech career.

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